
What is minecraft technic launcher
What is minecraft technic launcher

what is minecraft technic launcher

In addition to those core mods shared by both packs, Technic adds several features that are best in singleplayer.

what is minecraft technic launcher

The major mods in both are IndustrialCraft2 (adds electricity and industrial machines), Equivalent Exchange 2 (adds in alchemy using the Philosopher's Stone, and several highly powerful end-game tools like the Void Ring, Ring of Arcana, etc), Redpower 2 (adds in redstone wiring and machines), and Buildcraft (adds in some automated mining machines as well as transport tubes and controls for that). As others have said, Tekkit is for use in a multiplayer setting, while Technic is for SSP only. I'd say that the most major difference is the addition of the Thaumcraft and Mystcraft mods in Technic.

What is minecraft technic launcher